Set Up Button Visibility Rules
Through the Button Visibility Rules feature, you can easily set rules to show or hide the TryNow button based on product tags. The button visibility will dynamically update as you add or remove product tags on items and also as you add new products.
Show TryNow on all products except final sale.
For optimal conversion rate, LTV, and success rates, merchants typically show TryNow on all products, except final sale and non-returnable items.
If you are building a custom experience not leveraging app blocks, then Button Visibility Rules will not apply.
- Go to Controls > Button Visibility Rules.
- Edit the default rules as needed. Typically merchants only need to adjust the first rule that hides TryNow on final sale items - include any other product tags you use to denote non-returnable items.
- For each rule, you will need to define:
- The product tags you would like the rule to apply to.
- Whether you would like the rule to apply to all shoppers.
- The desired button display result.
- The rule name.
- Click Save.
- For each rule, you will need to define:
- Make any needed adjustments to the table and click Save Rules.
- On the modal that appears, click Enable to enable auto-sync.
Updated 25 days ago
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